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Greg Allnut - Leadership

In this episode of Market Intel we look at leadership and strategy and what this means for a SME business in the current market.

Our guest is Greg Allnut a partner at business strategy firm – Advisory Works

Greg holds a NZ Order of Merit and is a leadership expert, having led others continuously for over 30 years.

Greg is passionate about helping leaders and businesses adapt, grow and thrive through change.  He is known for helping businesses and leaders get the breakthrough they are after.  He leads R&D for Advisory.Works.  He was appointed to the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2006 for his work in strategy, strategy execution and leadership for the NZDF in Afghanistan.

Greg sees these four areas of Strategy & Execution; Executive Leadership; Organisational Culture and Stakeholder Engagement, as being the interwoven executive level skills that set great people, businesses and organisations apart from the field.  Focusing on these areas, he has made significant difference with construction, manufacturing, IT, professional services, health, wholesale, automotive, retail and other businesses both in NZ, Australia, USA and worldwide.

We look at how business owners can be best prepared for a downturn and what opportunities may arise for gaining market share.

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