Safeguard your business with business interruption insurance against unexpected disruptions.

Our team will help, support, and guide you to ensure your business is adequately protected against unexpected interruptions that may arise over the coming years and to minimise any financial loss that may occur. Change is a constant and protecting the future of the business today may be quite different 10 years from now.

At Vega, we focus on protecting our clients and will make the necessary adjustments you want to your cover so that you and the business are well protected no matter what happens.

Business Interruption

What is business interruption insurance?

When you experience a business interruption, this can result in financial flow-on effects that could be more severe than the physical loss. 

Business interruption insurance, which can also be referred to as ‘business continuity’ insurance, helps to eliminate the financial consequences to your business when there are interruptions to regular operations that may occur after a physical loss to the business's assets.

Interruption Insurance is created to support you during and after the event helping with repairs. This coverage helps fund your increased operational costs and replenishes lost profits back into your balance sheet.

Book your free appointment here